
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Indonesian Media in Its History

Media now can not be addressed as a whole, there is a difference of influence, technology and quality. Circulation newspapers generally do not move up. Meanwhile, there is information via the internet. The newspaper lost quickly.

Government SBY now have a problem with the media, not skilled in communication with the media diversity. The existence of electronic media and the Internet increases the speed of information flow. Because of its nature, bureaucracy is always slow to react.

Moreover, SBY had no reply sophisticated team, and he himself was not a great communicator. Another fundamental problem is that while government can not shut down the media, he himself did not control the media who have a big impact: the TV.

In fact there are two private TV stations controlled by the interests of power politics it must oppose the position of President in various ways. So the power of government is limited, can only complain and threaten a boycott, similar 'pepesan kosong'.

Moreover, the media (especially TV) relied on the rating. If not for political purposes, commercial interests originally addressed. As a result, the information is less exciting but important, especially voice of government, will not be aired. Fear of the viewers are not interested.

Meanwhile, the SBY administration also did not show unity of alloys in the information. Coalition Cabinet is sometimes like a broken pot. Ironically the government in power but do not have the media who mastered. TVRI the property 'state', unable to control.

In the history of Indonesia, this is the first such experience. Between 1945-1958, the press got full freedom. But commercialization is not affected. The period of democracy -called liberal, parties are compete, and their media can be fierce with each other. But generally, the party newspaper is not selling.

At that time, there is the spirit of democracy which is guarded by a single layer of intellectuals who 'mature' in the media. There are famous names such as Rosihan Anwar, Mochtar Lubis, S. Tasrif, Inyo Gwat Beng, PK Oyong, Njoto, BM Diah they are journalists and scholars.

Mochtar Lubis with his Indonesia Raja is very critical to Bung Karno. This newspaper who dismantle marriage Bung Karno with Hartini.

Then, after a Liberal Democracy is replaced with a Guided DemocracyGuided Democracy , Mochtar Lubis was imprisoned, all of 9 years. Without trial.

But Mochtar Lubis was not a personal hater of Bung Karno. There is a caricature which he rejects hard, because it describes the Bung Karno abusively.

There is a principle held, critical, but do not want to show the public figure, moreover to the President, with hate and scorn. Unfortunately, the atmosphere was finished off Guided Democracy. Since 1958, the press could be banned, should use permit issued and printed.

After the Guided Democracy, with Bung Karno as Great Leader of the Revolution, collapse, come the New Order's continued confinement. Then came Reform Era. The media can be more freely since under President Habibie. But then commercialization can not be prevented until now.

Also ideal to clean the press, that journalists do not ask for and accept the bribes, have not achieved. Fortunately, some are still clean. Tragic if both the pro and anti government will pay for work of journalism to support.

Source: Kultwit Goenawan Mohamad